Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting set to begin a new Tourney

So we are starting to put together another G.A.M.P. Championship round and we are looking for some new categories. The categories should be ones that contain a good number of bad movies (since, ya know, thats what we do... watch bad movies). This year we will definetly be doing SciFi/Fantasy and last year we had 80's horror, 90's action, Rom-Com, 'G' non-animated and two more categories that I cannot remember right now (I will update this later). We do not do foreign or porn as those categories have a whole lot of crap we do not want to watch. So please let us know of some categories we need to attack, or hell, suggest some movies that we should review.

...and speaking of reviews I will be digging up some of our old score sheets and putting up some entries on the movies from the last year. Also, if anyone is interested in forming their own G.A.M.P. chapter LET ME KNOW!! I can send you out the score sheet and the rules for judging.